Popularity and rating of Ruby

As of May 2020, Ruby is ranked fifteenth in the TIOBE index. This index is calculated based on search queries related to programming. In addition, Ruby is used as a server programming language by about 5.2% of sites in September 2021, while back in 2010 this figure was 0.5%, and in 2018 - 1.6% of sites.

According to the GitHut service, which tracks the popularity of programming languages ​​based on GitHub user activity, Ruby is in the top 10 languages ​​in terms of the number of pull requests. This data is current for the first quarter of 2020.

According to Hotframeworks, Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web frameworks. This rating includes both backend and frontend frameworks.

According to the Stackoverflow Developers Survey, in 2019, 8% of Stackoverflow users worked with rails.

Subtotal: according to various sources, Ruby is one of the ten or twenty most popular programming languages. Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web frameworks.